Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wheeeee, it's Afternoon Web Usability Testing!

As you can tell by the riveting title, this post is going to be chock-full of int3rn3tz g33kd0m. If you’re not a super d0rk like me, you might want to bail now.

For any of you still reading, as we came downstairs after lunch today, we noticed a table full of candy bars. Mmmmm.... chocolate. We asked the people at the table if we could have one. They said (in Finnish): “Sure! All you have to do is a take a little test!” Wheeeee!

After a minute, I realized the so-called test was actually a web usability experiment for a new travel site that MTV3 is developing! They had each person sit down and gave them a simple task, something like “Find a vacation to Playa del Carmen for under 500€.” They taped the user with a webcam, as well as recorded their screen interaction (where they clicked, how their mouse moved, etc.) so they could pinpoint exactly when a user got confused. I thought it was the coolest thing ever!

And they lured us in with chocolate! Brilliant! Can we do this for our websites back at Bonnier Corp???

PS... the guy leading the test? Dreamy McDreamington. Le sigh.

Sorry if you thought this post was boring. Here, read about naked people on Big Brother.

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